Our subsidy spay/neuter program continues to help animals and their human companions. We’re working with many more people caring for stray and feral cat colonies – spay/neuter to reduce both the seasonal kitten explosion, and reduce the territorial behaviors that injure adult cats and create other public health problems.
AlterPet’s low-cost spay/neuter program is for low income owners (less than $30,000/year per household) who take in a stray, abandoned or discarded animal. The program is also available for barn, stray and feral cats (owner/caregiver must be a farmer or low-income) . Pets from breeders or pet stores are not eligible.
For other options of low cost spay/neuter, please contact SPAY USA 1-800-248-SPAY www.spayusa.org or Friends of Animals 1-800-321-PETS www.friendsofanimals.org

Our Mission
AlterPet, Inc. is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to:
Combat cat/dog overpopulation and euthanasia through low cost spay/neuter
Promote the benefits of spay/neuter
Educate the community on animal-related issues, especially population control via spay/neuter

Our Values

Cats Altered
Dogs Altered
Years of Service
Participating Veterinarians