With the help of many wonderful local veterinarians, we are able to offer an alternative to the high cost of altering your pet.
We have put together a program to help area residents obtain quality low cost spay/neuter for their dogs. We realize that veterinarian expenses may be the reason many people refrain from having their pets spayed/neutered. We hope we can help you to become a responsible pet owner by providing this service.
Thanks to a generous grant from The Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust, a KeyBank Trust, we are able to offer multiple dog or cat discounts to very-low-income owners or to people caring for large numbers of cats. Discounts available for a limited time.
Through our program, you can obtain a coupon good for a spay or neuter for your dog at one of the participating vets. The cost of the coupon is $50 for a female spay, and $45 for a male neuter. The coupon covers the cost of the spay or neuter surgery only. The pet owner is responsible for any vaccines, heartworm testing/prevention medication, flea prevention medications, IV fluids, pre-surgical blood tessting or post-surgical pain medications. We strongly suggest that you discuss this with your chosen veterinarian BEFORE the time of surgery.
List of participating veterinarians
If you would like a coupon, send a self addressed, stamped envelope and your phone number along with your payment of $45 for a male neuter or $50 for a female spay to:

Please include a phone number so that we may contact you if needed.
For every coupon that is sold, Alterpet pays for a portion of the surgery. If you would like to help us in our mission of ending pet overpopulation, we would graciously accept any monetary donations (tax deductible) so that we can continue with this worthwhile cause.
Please send donations to AlterPet, PO Box 552, Sharon Center, OH 44274-0552 as listed above or call 330-321-6243 or email us!